Principle One



I remember chatting with an unsaved friend at work one day. As we spoke, a certain church in town came up. I asked him if he had ever attended their Sunday morning worship service. “Yes, some friends invited me,” he answered. I asked him how it went, and he said,

Oh, we had a little sing-along, a lecture, then we all went home.”  

Sadly, I had to agree with him. Most Christian worship today is nothing more than a sing-along. I wish he could have said: “As the congregation worshiped I felt the awe-inspiring presence, anointing, and power of God! It was so weighty, so glorious that I immediately received Christ as my Savior” Instead, all he experienced was a little sing-along. Really?

They could have sung Michael Row the Boat Ashore or Kumbaya and achieved the same result!

Oh, but we can fix this by utilizing the FIVE principles of Praise and Worship found in God’s Word. As we prepare our hearts for worship, we also provide an atmosphere whereby the Holy Spirit may graciously manifest His presence and bless all in attendance.

The first principle that charges the atmosphere is Psalm 22:22. It is the practice of allowing Jesus to worship through us as individuals and then through the Church.

I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.  Psalm 22:22 

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews quotes this verse:

  Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.                                                                  Hebrews 2:12

To better comprehend the meaning of the phrase “in the midst,” let’s use the word “through” to paraphrase and make it clearer. In the midst becomes, through the midst.

It is easier to understand that the Lord will sing through us, rather than how it is stated in Hebrews, which is “in the midst, or, among” us. However, the meaning is the same, Jesus will sing to the Father through us.

The Apostle Paul uses the word ‘through’ in many of his writings. For example,

There is one body, and one Spirit… One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.          Ephesians 4:4-6  

This verse declares that God is above all, and through all. The word through shows movement. We go from one room to another as we pass through a door to enter the next room.

It is the Holy Spirit moving from the Throne of God, flowing through us, then back to the Throne. This is the movement that creates a continuous connection and relationship with God.

Psalm 22:22 is declaring that Jesus Christ Himself sings “in (through) the midst of the church.”

He does this by engaging his body, the Church; he sings through our spirits and our Voices!

To better understand this, imagine Jesus, sitting on his throne at the right hand of God, and he wishes to praise The Father. You might think he only needs to look to his immediate left and he would see the Father and could speak directly to Him.

However, Jesus wishes to worship the Father through his body and through his voice, which is his Church. And thus, he sings in and through our midst as we yield ourselves to Him.

The common light bulb works when electricity flows through it. The electricity must flow from the power source, through the bulb, then return to the power source, making a complete circuit.

An entire city is lit up in the same way. The juice flows from the power plant, through our homes, and then returns to the power plant. It must make a complete circuit.

Imagine Jesus prompting the Holy Spirit to worship in and through the midst of the church. If Jesus is the head and we are His body, then we as one body worship the Father.

The Holy Spirit flows from Jesus who is sitting on the throne, then through us, then back to the Father, which makes a complete circuit of praise and worship. There is a definite result of this action, which is stunning, He inhabits our praise and manifests himself in our midst!

But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.                                                        Psalm 22:3

The One who initiates the praise is the same Person who inhabits the praise.

So, the worship process we are discussing is nothing more than allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us as individuals and then corporately as a congregation. Imagine a worship service where the congregation is fully aware that Jesus is singing through their midst, returning worship to the Father.

Jesus Himself worships the Father by singing through his own heart, which is our heart, and our voice. We are blessed as the Holy Spirit inhabits our praise, flows through us, and manifests his presence and glory in the service.

Praise and worship is not about singing a few songs to get into a good mood. It is about lighting up and charging the atmosphere with His Holy Presence.

Don’t misunderstand, we, of course, are not light bulbs but we are the light of the world and we want the light of Christ to shine brightly as we allow Jesus to sing through our congregations.

However, instead of limiting our thinking (that our hearts are as little light bulbs) think of the power of God manifesting as a Nuclear furnace

Think of the power of living ‘lectricity. Praise and worship becoming a power so great that it lights up our entire city. (Spiritually speaking, of course)

One with Him  

This is not only possible but is in fact, our reality, because we are fused and bonded to Jesus in every way possible. Following are a few scriptures to reinforce this point.

But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.             1Corinthians 6:17

For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.                                                Ephesians 5:30-32

According to the verses, every believer is a member of his body and has become one spirit with Christ. How can we get any closer to Jesus than being one spirit with him? Or become his flesh and bones? If He is in us, then we are also in Him.

If this is true, won’t Jesus Himself sing from His throne through his own body and through OUR SPIRITS!?

I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.  Psalm 22:22

But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.                                                       Psalm 22:3

We are the Body of Christ and filled with the Spirit. As we yield to The Holy Spirit, Jesus speaks and sings through our spirits with love and adoration to the Father. Therefore, Jesus sings through His Body, the Church. He is potentially leading worship as we yield our will to Him.

Most church services start sincerely and with good intentions. Song leaders genuinely want to praise and glorify God. They will sing a few fast songs and a few slow songs and even stir the emotions.

But we accomplish more when song leaders and congregations yield to the Holy Spirit allowing Him to flow and worship through them. It is completing the circuit of praise and worship, from Jesus, through us, then back to the Father. It supercharges the congregation with His Glory.

Therefore, the true nature of scriptural worship is allowing the Holy Ghost to flow through our spirits–and for Jesus to sing to, and worship the Father through His body and voice, which is the church.

Each song service is unique, of course. We start by singing praise, but as the service develops, it should flow in the Spirit. How many song services start with good intentions but end up as just another sing-along? Boring!


What happens when a congregation of believers are trained and conditioned to allow the Spirit to flow through them as they allow Jesus to sing in their midst? Would the atmosphere be super-charged with the presence of God?

Would the Spirit of God move in wonderful ways, even bringing healing, and meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation?

Would he manifest in a weightier, more tangible way?

I would say YES!